Intercontinental Journal on Physical Education
ISSN 2675-0333
Intercontinental Journal on Physical Education<br> ISSN 2675-0333
Short paper

Social factors that influence falls in the elderly: a narrative review

Júlia Araujo de Figueiredo, Carlos Alberto Figueiredo da Silva

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Introduction: As falls in the elderly are a public health issue, mainly due to such severe consequences for the public studied. Several factors contribute to the accident, but this review looked only at the social factors involved. Objective: To propose a reflection on some social factors associated with the occurrence of the elderly. Methods: The study using a narrative literature review as the methodological technique. Results: From the analysis of studies, identify whether the living environment and access to health are important factors related to the fall. Besides, lifestyle also seems to be associated with an accident, emphasizing physical activity that can prevent the accident. Conclusion: Several social factors can suffer a traffic accident. Public policies on leisure activities are prohibited and adaptations to public transport and streets to prevent older adults from suffering once. Additionally, we suggest more cross-sectional or longitudinal studies relating to social inequality and the occurrence of elderly Brazilians.


Fall, Adult older, Elderly  


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