Intercontinental Journal on Physical Education
ISSN 2675-0333
Intercontinental Journal on Physical Education<br> ISSN 2675-0333
Review Article

Chest compression in patients with mechanical ventilation

Mayara de Melo Lopes, Marcella Ribeiro Costa Teixeira

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Respiratory physiotherapy is extensive in professional practice and works with patients of all ages with acute or chronic lung disorders. This article deals with the technique of chest compression in a patient with mechanical ventilation (MV) in the intensive care unit. The objective is to perform a literature review on the benefits of the chest compression technique in critically ill patients on mechanical ventilation. Data collection was conducted in the following search sources: relevant books and websites: SciELO, LILACS, PubMed, and Google Scholar. Inclusion criteria were articles from 2007 to 2017 that dealt with the technique of chest compression. It is concluded, based on the reviewed literature, that the methodological quality of the included articles indicates that further studies on this subject are needed as future studies should present greater methodological rigor in a more significant number of patients.


Physiotherapy, Mechanical Ventilation, Chest Compression.


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