Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine
Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine

Change Management in Medical Institutions: Implementation View

Said Said Elshama

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Change is a learning process modeling the attitudes and values of the involved staff to adapt and show the change in daily work life. Leading the change in medical schools or in the health care system is considered one of the assignments of successful leadership that can achieve an effective organizational change under complex conditions. This review aims to show an implementation view about how to manage the change in medical institutions and how to overcome obstacles, and how to face the challenges. The resistance to change represents a major obstacle to the change process in any medical school or health care system. Thus, it should address this resistance by creating a suitable climate for carrying out the change based on a flexible strategy that may be translated into practical steps during the implementation. Moreover, the change should be institutionalized wherein new behaviors are persisting and generalizing in the medical school or the health care system as a result of the change application. In addition, the successful management of change in any medical school or system requires a well-functioning and efficient management system for achieving the intended results. Therefore, many benefits may be gained as a result of the success of a change process in any organization wherein it improves the effectiveness and efficiency of organizational and staff performance besides creating an opportunity for getting the best practices.


Change; Management; Implementation; Medical institutions


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