Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine
Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine

Implementation of good pharmacy practice standards; a step forward in Libya’s pharmacies

Shukri M. Alsharif, Saadoun O. Elmezughi, Fathi M. Sherif

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The practice of pharmacy in health care societies continues to undergo evolutionary and even radical changes. It has changed to a personal health service charged with assuring pharmaceutic and therapeutic appropriateness of all its functions in the care of patients. The purpose of this study is to review and analysis the historical stages of development of the good pharmaceutical practice (GPP) requirements and to recommend a guideline for the implementation of GPP standards in Libya as a way to improve the pharmaceutical care and profession. The study designates that the development of the GPP standards should be committed at the public professional organizations levels as pharmaceutical syndicates and associations as the national regulation of pharmacy practices in various countries and the local health authorities. This requires basic skills of documentation, professional and communication with all relative professions and it, therefore, is important to establish standards for community, hospital and consultant pharmacists to promote the pharmaceutical mission.


Libya; Pharmacies; Pharmacist; WHO


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