Escola Anna Nery Revista de Enfermagem
Escola Anna Nery Revista de Enfermagem

Guidelines and Policies

Editorial Policy

The aim of the Escola Anna Nery (EAN) Journal of Nursing is to publish original works in Nursing Science and Health Sciences, as well as other areas with interfaces in nursing and health, such as Human Sciences and Social Sciences in the field of health. It has a special interest in studies carried out with vulnerable populations whose findings directly contribute to expanding Nursing Science and underpin ethical and humane care worldwide.


Types of articles accepted

The EAN welcomes manuscripts in the categories Original Article, Reflection, Experience Report, Clinical Case Report, Essay, Systematic Review, Integrative Review or others Systematized Reviews. These manuscripts must make direct or indirect contributions to the history and practice of nursing care, to nursing and health education, and to the development of new methodologies and technologies for care, teaching and research.

We particularly welcome articles on vulnerable populations, such as indigenous people, people living with HIV, homeless people, LGBT+ people, women and other groups under-represented in scientific publications.

Manuscripts can be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish or English. The final approved version of the articles in Portuguese or Spanish must be translated into English. Manuscripts must be submitted exclusively to EAN and may not be submitted simultaneously to another journal. The concepts, ideas and opinions expressed in the manuscripts, as well as the accuracy, adequacy and provenance of the bibliographic citations are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Journal's Editorial Board, Executive Editor and Associate Editors. EAN uses the Research Organization Registry (ROR) to verify and standardize authors' institutional affiliations.


Original article

An original and completed empirical or experimental research report on nursing or related areas, according to scientific methodology, whose results can be replicated and/or generalized. It can be up to 20 pages long, double-spaced, Times New Roman font size 12, A4 size page layout (21cm x 29.7cm). We recommend adopting the conventional structure according to the specifications in the Manuscript Composition section.



Analysis of theoretical aspects and/or construction of concepts and/or theoretical constructs in nursing or related areas, arising from the reflective process, discernment and careful consideration of the author(s), which may contribute to the deepening of professional issues. It can be up to 15 pages long, double-spaced, Times New Roman font size 12, A4 size page layout (21cm x 29.7cm).


Experience Report

It refers to the description of experience related to care, teaching, research or extension in the field of nursing, health or with an interface in these areas, for the dissemination of original aspects. It can be up to 15 pages long, double-spaced, Times New Roman font size 12, A4 size page layout (21cm x 29.7cm).


Clinical Case Report

Clinical case reports are original descriptions of clinical observations, or innovative forms of diagnosis, treatment or results. These are manuscripts that present rare or infrequent cases in the clinical environment, justifying the interest. They can be up to 15 pages long, double-spaced, Times New Roman font size 12, A4 size page layout (21cm x 29.7cm).



Original text that develops an argument on a well-defined topic. In this type of manuscript, the authors have the opportunity to defend a thesis on a topic in their field or answer a question. The relevance and originality of the thesis or question must be articulated with the state of the art, right from the introduction. The sections that make up the essay must be relevant, coherent, consistent and make a contribution to the status of knowledge in the field in which the thesis or question was formulated. The arguments adopted to support the thesis or answer the question must be based on theoretical-philosophical references and/or conceptual frameworks that are widely disseminated in the world's scientific literature. The conclusions or final comments are essential in this type of manuscript. It can be up to 15 pages long, double-spaced, Times New Roman font size 12, A4 size page layout (21cm x 29.7cm).


Systematic Review

An evaluative, critical and systematized presentation of the scientific development of a topic in nursing or related areas, based on pertinent and relevant literature to generate evidence. The delimitation of the topic and the procedures adopted must be described, as well as the interpretation of the author(s) and the conclusion. The review protocol must be registered on open and collaborative platforms such as the Open Science Framework (OSF) and Cochrane. It can be up to 20 pages long, double-spaced, Times New Roman font size 12, A4 size page layout (21cm x 29.7cm).


Integrative Review

Studies to synthesize, combine and analyze data from empirical and theoretical literature to identify gaps and review theories and methodological approaches of studies on a given topic, in order to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date view of the state of knowledge and guide future research. They can be up to 20 pages long, double-spaced, Times New Roman font size 12, A4 size page layout (21cm x 29.7cm).


Others Systematized Reviews

Other types of systematized reviews can be submitted for EAN analysis, as long as they point to a trend of knowledge built on a reflective, methodologically rigorous and epistemologically grounded synthesis. Traditional literature reviews do not fall into this category. EAN does not accept bibliographical / non-systematized reviews. They can be up to 20 pages long, double-spaced, Times New Roman font size 12, A4 size page layout (21cm x 29.7cm).


Editorial process

When manuscripts arrive at EAN, an initial review is carried out to check that they comply with the scope of the journal, the submission requirements and the instructions to authors. In the event of any pending issues or irregularities in the submission documents, the authors are notified by e-mail and receive a checklist informing them of any changes or additions needed to complete the submission of the manuscript within seven days. This stage is mostly carried out by the journal's secretariat.

When all the submission requirements have been met and the checklist is complete, the manuscript is sent to the Executive Editor, who carries out an initial critical analysis of its scientific quality and scope, and may make an immediate decision or refer it to one of the Associate Editors, depending on the topic, method or type of manuscript, continuing the evaluation process.

The Associate Editor assigns at least two ad-hoc reviewers to analyze and issue a review on each manuscript. EAN adopts the sharing of comments/recommendations between reviewers as a step towards open review. In the case of a manuscript deposited on a preprint server or a protocol registered on an open and collaborative platform, the authors can be viewed by the reviewers. The reviewers are researchers of established competence in the area of knowledge of the manuscript. The analysis by the reviewers is based on the submission system's own tool (ScholarOne). The average time between receipt of the manuscript and publication of the article is currently 90 days.

The Editorial Board of the Journal has full authority to decide on the publication of manuscripts when they meet the requirements adopted for the evaluation of their scientific merit, considering their originality, priority, timeliness, clarity and knowledge of the relevant literature, and adequate definition of the subject studied.


Evaluation process

The Escola Anna Nery (EAN) Journal of Nursing has progressively adopted the Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) guidelines, which is why it accepts the evaluation of manuscripts deposited on reliable preprint servers, and requires protocol records for certain types of manuscripts, constituting situations that reveal the identity of the authors to the reviewers.

However, the double-anonymous peer review process still predominates, but with the sharing of reviews between reviewers. We believe that sharing knowledge between reviewers contributes to improving the manuscript, as well as speeding up and making the review process more transparent. On the other hand, it allows the value of the reviewer's work to be recognized and the evaluation to be useful to the academic community as a whole.

EAN uses Clarivate's Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service as a tool that allows reviewers to recognize and register their peer review contributions in a transparent and verified way. And among Clarivate's services, EAN also uses the Web of Science Reviewer Locator for Publishers, as a tool to help associate editors find, screen and select expert reviewers.

EAN is against plagiarism and self-plagiarism and carries out similarity test on the version of the article approved for publication, after the evaluation and correction process has been completed, using the Crossref iThenticate-Similarity Check tool.

For the retraction of articles in cases of errors, scientific misconduct or other problems that compromise the integrity of the work, EAN follows the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (COPE). It also follows the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals, of the International Committee of Medical Journals Editors (ICMJE). It is a signatory of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), which questions the growing use of bibliometric classification as a quality indicator in the evaluation of research and researchers.

For the publication of manuscripts resulting from research or clinical trials, EAN requires that the clinical research or its submission be registered in the Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials (ReBEC), in compliance with Anvisa Collegiate Board Resolution No. 36 of June 27, 2012. For studies carried out in other countries, proof of registration on other platforms of the International Clinical Trials Registration Platform (ICTRP/WHO) will be accepted.

Once the final version of the manuscript has been approved, the author(s) of the article in Portuguese or Spanish are asked to provide the version of the article approved for publication in English, and the grammatical revision of the article submitted in the original language, accompanied by certificates from the professionals/companies accredited by the Journal. The costs of translation and grammatical revision are the responsibility of the author(s). After translation, the author(s) must send the article in the original language, grammatically revised, and the article in the English version in reply to the Journal's e-mail, in accordance with the Instructions on the Publication Flow sent by the Journal's Secretariat, accompanied by the certificate or declaration of the translator and grammar checker, as well as proof of payment of the Contributions to the Cost of Publications (CCPs).


Editorial decision and review

Minor revisions

The manuscript is recommended for publication by the associate editor and reviewers, and needs few changes. The deadline for requests is seven days.


Major revisions

Approval of the manuscript depends on a series of revisions involving up to 75% of its content. The deadline for requests is fifteen days. Normally, only one round of major revisions is allowed.


Reject and Resubmit

The manuscript needs substantial changes, especially in the method and results, requiring complete reworking of tables, experiments and/or statistical tests. The deadline for the requests is 60 days, but the results are potentially of great interest to the community. In this decision, the authors will be encouraged to resubmit the manuscript, which will be sent for peer review again with the same reviewers and associate editor.



After peer review, the reviewers point out that the manuscript does not contribute to the generation of new and creative knowledge, or that there are significant misconceptions that cannot be overcome by revisions, due to serious flaws, mainly methodological ones. In both cases, this decision can be taken either by the executive editor (reject immediately) or by the associate editor, prior to peer review. No offer of resubmission to the journal is provided.

 In all decisions that allow a new round or resubmission, all comments from reviewers and editors must be answered point by point in an objective manner and supported by the literature.

Authors can request an extension of the review period, regardless of the type of editorial decision, and can also appeal a decision by sending an e-mail to the journal's secretariat. In the case of an appeal, the request must be accompanied by a detailed justification. The executive editor has the autonomy to evaluate the appeal, and whenever indicated, may forward the manuscript and related information to the associate editor for joint deliberation.


Contributions to the Cost of Publications (CCPs)

The Escola Anna Nery (EAN) Journal of Nursing, in line with the SciELO Declaration, implements CCPs. CCPs are financial contributions that help cover the full or partial costs of publishing open access research under a CC-BY license.

Thus, authors do not pay a submission or manuscript evaluation fee, but only after the article has been approval for publication do they pay for CCPs, which cover the costs of affiliations, such as to the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors (ABEC) and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), editorial management (with costs related to the use of the ScholarOne platform,  the Ithenticate similarity tracker, the DOI assignments for the Portuguese or Spanish and English versions, among others), the use of Clarivate tools, the domain, hosting and maintenance of the Journal's website, and any activities involving representation the executive editor or one of the associate editors at scientific publishing events.

The current value of the CCPs is R$1,150.00 (one thousand, one hundred and fifty Brazilian reais) per article. This amount must be paid by the author(s) only after the article has been approved for publication, following instructions sent by e-mail to the corresponding author by the Journal's secretariat.


Ethical issues


Authors are those who make public their responsibility for the content of the article, agreeing that the writing and intellectual content have been critically reviewed by all authors. Each author must approve the final version of the content to be published and agree to take responsibility for all aspects of the work, ensuring that issues relating to the accuracy or integrity of any parts of the work are properly investigated and resolved. In addition, each author declares the form of substantial intellectual contribution to the conception or design of the study/research and/or acquisition, and/or analysis or interpretation of the data, in accordance with the criteria established by the ICMJE.

There is no limit on the number of authors; however, it is a necessary to send a Letter to the Editor justifying the number of authors above six and specifying their respective contributions.

The concepts, ideas and opinions expressed in the manuscripts, as well as the accuracy, adequacy and provenance of the bibliographic citations, are the sole responsibility of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Journal's Editorial Board, Executive Editor and Associate Editors.



Manuscripts must be submitted exclusively to EAN, and may not be submitted simultaneously to another journal. On the Title Page the authors must inform the origin of the manuscript, with detailed information on the title of the work (master's dissertation or doctoral thesis), the Postgraduate Program and the year of presentation. In the SciELO Open Science Compliance Form, the author(s) must inform whether the manuscript is a preprint, and if so, include information on the name of the preprints server and the DOI of the preprint.


Integrity in scientific publishing

Editorial practice for scientific misconduct (plagiarism, self-plagiarism, falsification or fabrication of data, misuse of references or citations, duplication, authorship disputes, among others) follows the procedures, checklist and guidelines of the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (COPE). It also follows the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly work in Medical Journals, of the International Committee of Medical Journals Editors (ICMJE). It is a signatory to the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), which questions the growing use of bibliometric classification as a quality indicator in the evaluation of research and researchers.

In order to meet internationally recognized scientific criteria, the scientific writing of the article must follow the guidelines available in the Instructions to Authors section, according to the type of manuscript.

The journal uses a similarity tracking tool in the case of article accepted for publication after the adjustments requested by the Reviewers (Crossref Similarity Check). Authors should be aware of the implications provided for in the legal provisions of the Penal Code (Art. 184) and the Copyright Law (Art. 7, third paragraph of Law No. 9,610, of 1998; see Law No. 12,853, of 2013, which amends and adds some articles to provide for the collective management of copyrights, and makes other provisions). Preprints, dissertations and theses deposited in their respective repositories are not considered similarity.


Ethics in research and research involving human beings

The article must contain explicit information on the ethical precepts of the research, in accordance with the guidelines and regulatory frameworks of each country. It is forbidden to publish the names of research participants or in any way that could represent a breach of the principle of anonymity.

  • The manuscript of a Brazilian study that involving research or experience reports with human beings must include a copy of the approval document by a Research Ethics Committee, in accordance with Resolution No. 466, of 2012, of the National Health Council (CNS), in the “supplementary file” bar of the submission system. Upload the document in PDF format as "supplementary files".
  • Research on the humanities and social sciences carried out in the field of health and nursing must prove approval by a Research Ethics Committee, under the terms of Resolution No. 510 of 2016, which deals with the guidelines for research in the humanities and social sciences. Upload the document in PDF format as "supplementary files".

For research articles carried out in other countries, their authors must comply with the research ethics regulations of the country of origin by sending a copy of a document proving its approval, uploading the document in PDF format as "supplementary files" in the submission system.


Conflicts of interest


Authors are responsible for recognizing and informing the Editorial Board of any conflicts of interest, specifying their nature, which could have any influence on their manuscript.

Financial relationships of any kind must be communicated by each of the authors in Title Page. Financial conflicts of interest (when they involve direct funding, employment, consultancy, share ownership and fees) are the most easily identified and most likely to compromise the credibility of the publication, the authors and the research itself. Conflicts can also occur with other motivations, such as personal relationships, academic competition and intellectual passion.


EAN recommends that reviewers do not agree to evaluate a manuscript if they identify the existence of a conflict of interest, such as a financial conflict of interest, co-authorship or affiliation with the same institution.


Use of Artificial Intelligence

EAN follows the authorship criteria established by the ICMJE and asks authors to state at the time of submission whether they have used generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted technologies such as Large Language Models (LLMs), Chatbots (such as ChatGPT) or image creators in the production of the submitted work. Authors who use these technologies should describe, both in the Cover Letter and in the submitted manuscript (in the Methods section), how they used them. Authors should not list or cite AI and AI-assisted technologies as author or co-author.


Principles of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Sustainable Development Goals

In a process of continuous development, EAN is committed to the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion in research and scientific publishing, and is aligned with ABEC (Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors) and EASE (European Association of Scientific Editors).

EAN works towards inclusive nursing, which reflects the disciplinary, human and geographical diversity of the community. We welcome submissions from authors of all ethnicities, races, colors, religions, genders, sexual orientations, gender identities, nationalities, disabilities, ages or other individual statuses. We are committed to eliminating the influence of bias in our editorial and review processes and continually work to identify and implement best practices in scientific publishing.

EAN also believes that scientific journals have a fundamental role to play in accelerating actions related to the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In particular, the articles that EAN publishes respond to Goals 3 (Good Health and Well-being), 4 (Quality Education), 5 (Gender Equality) and 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions). That's why we pay close attention to what we publish, which content provides information that is necessary for different audiences and has the potential to make an impact on practical life. It is in curating and disseminating professional content that we can achieve the greatest impact and make a difference.


Open Access, Intellectual Property and Digital Preservation Policies

EAN implements the continuous publication of articles, in electronic version, in open access. It supports open science practices, through which knowledge is developed collectively and shared widely. Its online publication allows for open access, as recommended by SciELO, and at no cost to download articles, for the purposes of dissemination and scientific consumption in care and educational practice.

EAN, in line with the SciELO Declaration, has implemented the use of Contributions to the Cost of Publications (CCPs). CCPs are financial contributions that help cover the total or partial costs of publishing research in open access under a CC-BY license.

EAN encourages the publication of preprints and recommends that all manuscripts submitted to the journal have previously been deposited in a preprint repository recognized by the academic community and assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), as a way of transitioning to open evaluation, and suggests SciELO Preprints.

It also calls for the sharing of research data in recognized repositories, and requires the citation and referencing of research data, as a way of allowing reproducibility and the development of new research, and suggests SciELO Data. Consult the “Research data deposit guidelines” SciELO (

SciELO ensures the up-to-date execution of all indexing, storage, preservation, online publication, dissemination and interoperability functions. When submitting a manuscript, all authors must complete the SciELO Open Science Compliance Form, which requires a declaration of availability of the research data that supports the text.

Authors are aware that by publishing in EAN they are agreeing to the Creative Commons Attribution Type BY (CC BY) modality adopted by the journal. Once the article has been published, its content may be copied, distributed, edited, remixed and used for new creations, as long as due credit is given to the original author and due credit is given for its publication in EAN. The function of this type of license is to promote the dissemination and use of licensed materials.

EAN adopts the guidelines of the “Guide to the use of Artificial Intelligence tools and resources in the communication of research on the SciELO Network” and of national and international bodies for standards and good practices in the communication of research with regard to the use of Artificial Intelligence applications and systems. EAN follows COPE's formal publication ethics policy, which covers different issues related to publication, such as authorship and contributions, conflicts of interest, data and reproducibility, and scientific misconduct.

EAN follows the standards defined in the “SciELO Program Digital Preservation Policy”, and the data is also archived at its own provider.


Instructions for submission

Before sending manuscripts

  1. All authors must have ORCID registration, in line with the SciELO Guidelines and international best practices in scientific publishing. To register and obtain the ORCID identifier, each author must access the link and follow the steps to fill in the fields. Your ORCID number will be linked to your submission (and subsequently to your published article) when you log in to the submission system.
  2. In order to meet internationally recognized scientific criteria, the scientific writing of the article must follow the guidelines available on the following websites, according to the type of manuscript:
    1. For the publication of manuscripts resulting from clinical trials, authors must present proof of registration of the clinical research or its submission in the Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials (ReBEC) database, in compliance with Anvisa RDC No. 36, of June 27, 2012. For studies carried out in other countries, proof of registration on other platforms of the International Clinical Trials Registration Platform (ICTRP/WHO) will be accepted. The registration number must be provided at the end of the abstract;
    2. For randomized clinical trials, observe the CONSORT guidelines;
    3. For observational and epidemiological studies, observe the STROBE guidelines;
    4. For qualitative studies, observe the COREQ guidelines;
    5. For systematic review studies, observe the PRISMA guidelines.


Composition of manuscripts

Manuscripts should be written in the official spelling, double-spaced, Times New Roman font size 12, A4 size page layout (21cm x 29.7cm). Manuscripts should be submitted in Portuguese, English or Spanish only. The titles of the sections (INTRODUCTION, METHOD, RESULTS, DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION/FINAL CONSIDERATIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE), should appear at the beginning of each section, in bold, upper case and aligned to the left. The discussion must be separated from the results. Use the term 'conclusion' for studies with a quantitative approach, and 'final considerations' for studies with a qualitative approach.

We recommend that the texts be written taking into account the Inclusive Language Guidelines, of the American Psychological Association (APA), as a way to communicating more effectively and more in line with the diversity of society, considering the guidelines on how to use culturally sensitive terms and phrases that respect and value the identities and experiences of historically marginalized or stereotyped groups.

We also suggest highlighting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the text, to which the results of the work are aligned, where appropriate, in order to improve the visibility of the article: in the title, in the abstract, the keywords or the body of the manuscript.

In order to optimize the visibility of articles, we recommend that titles, abstracts and keywords refer, whenever possible, to the controlled vocabulary of the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) or Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), produced by the National Library of Medicine (NML).




Present the title of the manuscript in Portuguese, Spanish and English, with a maximum of 16 words, centered, in bold, with only the first letter capitalized. Choose a title that attracts the reader's attention and is sufficiently informative, containing at least one of the DeCS/MeSH terms of the keywords.



Any type of manuscript (original article, reflection, experience report, clinical case report, essay, reviews) must contain up to 200 words, in the three versions (Portuguese/resumo; Spanish/resumen; and English/abstract). The content of the abstracts must be informative and recorded in the corresponding items: objectives, method, results, conclusion or final considerations and implications for practice (these last two items being together – conclusion / final considerations and implications for practice). These items should be in bold, with only the first letter capitalized. The abstract should summarize all parts of the text. When writing it, think of a text that attracts the reader's attention and arouses curiosity, as well as being informative. containing at least one of the DeCS/MeSH terms of the keywords. Do not use acronyms. The entire text of the abstract must be in a single paragraph, justified. The word ABSTRACT must precede the text, in bold, upper case and aligned to the left.



These are key terms for classifying the topic covered in the manuscript in national and international databases. Three to five keywords will be accepted in Portuguese / palavras-chave, Spanish / palabras-clave and English / keywords, selected by the author(s) in the list of Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) or Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).

If applicable, choose at least one keyword that signals the alignment of the work with some of the SDGs (UN Sustainable Development Goals).

The keywords, in all three languages, should be organized in alphabetical order, separated by semicolons, and with capital letter at the beginning of all words, except connectives. Example: Attitude to Death; Nursing Care.



Present the study problem; highlight its importance and gaps in knowledge based on an up-to-date literature review (preferably from the last five years) and available in reliable databases/ electronic libraries; highlight the objective(s) in the last paragraph of this section; avoid subtitle, but when essential, start in capital letters and bold. The objective(s) should indicate what the research aims to achieve, and should being with an infinitive verb (discuss, analyze, etc.).



Include objectively and completely the nature/type of the study, data on the place where the research was carried out, study population/participants and their selection criteria, material, equipment, technical procedures and methods adopted for data collection, statistical treatment/categorization of data, without the need for a subtitle. Inform the approval by the Research Ethics Committee, the date and the protocol number. Indicate which EQUATOR Network writing guide was used, depending on the type of study. The method should be described in such a way that the study is replicable.



The results should be presented clearly, objectively and in a logical sequence, using illustrations where necessary, in response to the research objective(s). Subheadings should be in bold, with the first letter capitalized, aligned to the left



All tables must be included in the body of the text with the respective identifications (number, title and explanatory notes, if any). Tables must have a short title and be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, according to the order in which they are cited in the text, with a limit of five in total. In addition, they must present numerical data as central information, and not use horizontal or vertical internal dashes. Explanatory notes should be placed at the bottom of the table, preceded by the symbol *. To prepare tables and graphs, preferably use programs such as Microsoft Word or Excel.


Graphs, Figures, Images, Illustrations and Photographs

Width equal to or greater than 1000 pixels, files must have JPG, GIF, PNG, PSD or TIFF extension. The total sum of the files must be equal to or less than 300 MB. After uploading, thumbnails of the images will be displayed, click on the icon to edit the title and caption of each image submitted.

Graphs and illustrations should be highlighted in the text, in the order in which they appear, with a brief title and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, according to the order in which they are cited in the text. Figures must have a caption, when necessary, and a source when taken from a published work, and the source of any illustration, published or not, must be mentioned below the figure.

If tables, figures and graphs are used, they must be inserted in the body of the manuscript, respecting the maximum limit of five. The spaces occupied by these resources should not be taken into account in the page count defined for each article type. Illustrations must be submitted in their original editable files, or exported vectorized in EPS or PDF formats. In case of abbreviations, a footnote with the information in full is mandatory. Use the IBGE tabulation standard. The title should be above the table/chart, and the source should be indicated if third-party data is presented. For figures, insert the title below the image.



It should always be written separately from the results. It should highlight the compatibility between the findings resulting from the analysis and the relevant literature/theoretical framework, emphasizing new and/or fundamental aspects. Demonstrate that the references used to discussion the findings are relevant and appropriate for generating new and creative knowledge, emphasizing dialogue with the international scientific community.


Conclusions / Final considerations and implications for practice

Present significant considerations based on the new knowledge generated, which meet the objective(s) of the study, without repeating them verbatim. Highlight the limitations of the study and the need for further research. Indicate the implications of these findings for health and nursing practice (teaching, research or care). Do not insert references or quotations in this section.



It is recorded on the Title Page that accompanies the submission of the manuscript. Record the source of public or private funding that financed the study, stating the city/country, as well as the associated process number. Funding agencies can be specified, indicating which author obtained the funding. If the research has not received any type of funding, please record "No funding".



It is recorded on the Title Page that accompanies the submission of the manuscript. Include names of people and/or institutions that contributed to the development of the study. Or enter "No thanks."


Availability of research data

It is recorded on in the Cover Letter and in Open Science Compliance Form – SciELO that accompany the submission of the manuscript. If the author(s) informs that the contents underlying the text of the manuscript will only be available on demand to the referees after the article has been approved, they must inform a new condition in the final version to be published, such as "after publication the data will be available on demand to the authors – a condition justified in the manuscript", if this is the case.

Consult the “Research data deposit guidelines” SciELO (, and the “Guide to promoting the opening, transparency and reproducibility of research published by SciELO journal” (


Conflict of interest 

This is recorded in the Title Page that accompanies the submission of the manuscript. The author(s) are responsible for acknowledging and informing the Editorial Board of any conflicts of interest, specifying their nature, which could have any influence on their manuscript. O register "No conflict of interest to declare" / "No conflict of interest".



Quotations in the text

Citations of authors in the text must be in accordance with the suggested examples and prepared according to the "Vancouver" style and show the number of the reference from which they were subtracted, without the author's name, according to the order in which they were cited in the text.

The numbers identifying the authors/citations must be superscripted after the punctuation (period, semicolon or comma), as shown in the following example:

  • Health prevention, promotion and recovery actions, in their various dimensions, can be experienced more fully among professionals and families, when considering the internal dynamics of multiple activities.1

In the case of sequential citations, the first and last numbers must be indicated, separated by a hyphen, as shown in the following example, which in this case include references 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5:

  • Health prevention, promotion and recovery actions, in their various dimensions, can be experienced more fully between professionals and families when the internal dynamics of multiple activities are taken into account.1-5

When there is a need for interspersed citations, the numbers should be separated by a comma, as in the following example, which in this case includes references 1, 2, 3 and 6:

  • Health prevention, promotion and recovery actions, in their various dimensions, can be experienced more fully between professionals and families when the internal dynamics of multiple activities are taken into account.1-3,6

In the ipsis literis transcription of quotations, it is required to indicate the page of the reference adopted, the page number of which must be located after the reference number followed by a colon, as per the following example:

  • Health prevention, promotion and recovery actions, in their various dimensions, can be "experienced more fully between professionals and families when the internal dynamics of multiple activities are taken into account".3:16

The author(s) must also comply with the following criteria:

Up to three lines of quotation, use quotation marks in the sequence of the normal text, as in the following example:

  • As an example of the application of the instructions to authors, the manuscript highlights the contribution of "health prevention, promotion and recovery actions, in their various dimensions, can be experienced more fully between professionals and families, when the internal dynamics of multiple activities are taken into account".3:16

More than three lines of quotation, highlight it on a new line, in a separate block from the normal text, without quotation marks, single-spaced and indented three spaces from the left margin, according to the following example:

  • Highlighting the contribution of health prevention, promotion and recovery actions, in its various dimensions, can be experienced more fully between professionals and families when the internal dynamics of multiple activities are taken into account.3:16

Fragments of empirical data from qualitative research should be presented on a new line, in their own block, separate from the normal text, in italics, without quotation marks, single-spaced and indentation 2 cm from the left margin. Brackets and participant identification should not be italicized. In compliance with the precepts of research ethics, the identification of the participant must guarantee anonymity, i.e. using of acronyms, letters, numbers, alphanumeric codes, or any other form approved by the Research Ethics Committee, or equivalent for other countries, such as the following example:

  • [...] The users of this health service are very aware of the need for their own involvement in the treatment of their illness for a more satisfactory outcome [...] (E2).



We recommend not using footnotes, but if they are essential, they should be indicated by letters, with a maximum of three, as follows: a, first note; b, second note and c, third note.



References should be presented single-spaced in Times New Roman font size 12, without paragraphs and indents, and numbered according to their order of citation in the text, in according with the standards of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors - ICMJE, known as "Vancouver Standards". The author(s) is/are responsible for the accuracy of the references. EAN accepts the citation of up to two preprints. If the article cited is published in English, the reference must include the title of the article in English and the DOI of the English version. Examples according to Vancouver style:[MMDS1] 


Standard book:

Tyrrell MAR. Programas Nacionais de Saúde Materno-infantil: impacto político-social e inserção da enfermagem. Rio de Janeiro: EEAN/UFRJ; 1995.


Book translated into Portuguese:

Nightingale F. Notas de enfermagem: o que é e o que não é. Translated by Amália Correa de Carvalho. São Paulo: Cortez; 1989.


 Work authored by an institution or collective entity:

Ministério da Saúde (BR). Dengue: instruções para pessoal de combate ao vetor: manual de normas técnicas. 3rd ed. Brasília (DF): Ministério da Saúde; 2001.


Book chapter:

Pinto MCI, Porto IS. Pain as the fifth vital sign. In: Figueiredo NMA, organizer. Teaching how to care for clients in clinical and surgical situations. São Caetano do Sul (SP): Difusão Paulista de Enfermagem; 2003. p.59-78.


Book published by an organizer, editor or compiler:

Loyola CMD, Oliveira RMP, organizers. Indícios marginais. Rio de Janeiro: EEAN/UFRJ; 2003.


Book with edition:

Souza EDF. Novo manual de enfermagem. 5th ed. Rio de Janeiro: Bruno Buccini; 1972.


Scientific article published in a printed journal (up to six authors):

Carvalho V, Figueiredo NMA, Leite JL, Moreira MC. Epistemological issues in the construction of knowledge in Nursing - from teaching to the practice of caring. Esc Anna Nery. 2003;7(2):156-66.


Scientific article published in a printed journal (more than six authors):

Irvine D, O'Brien-Pallas LL, Murray M, Cockeill R, Sidani S, Laurie-Shaw B, et al. The reability and validity of two health status measures for evaluating outcomes of home care nursing. Res Nurs Health. 2000;23(1):43-54.


Scientific article published in an electronic journal:

Santos RP, Neves ET, Cabral IE, Campbell S, Carnevale F. An ethical analysis of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health of children and adolescents. 2022;26(spe):e20210460. 



Lavorato Neto G, Rodrigues L, Silva DARD, Turato ER, Campos CJG. Review of spirituality in mental health and psychiatric nursing. Medrxiv. 2018. Preprint (v.2) [cited 2019 Oct 12].


Paper published in a trade journal (magazine or newspaper):

Transgênicos: os grãos que assustam. Veja (São Paulo). 2003 out 29; 36(43):95-113.


Tynan T. Medical improvements lower homicide rate: study sees drop-in assault rate. The Washington Post. 2002 Aug 12; Sect. A:2 (col. 4).


Abstract, editorial and review published in a regular serialized journal:

Silva MM, Marinho GL, Baixinho CL. On the path to excellence: Escola Anna Nery Revista de Enfermagem under the leadership of Dr. Ivone Evangelista Cabral and Dr. Antonio José de Almeida Filho [editorial]. Esc Anna Nery. 2024;28:e2024E001.


Legal document:

Law n. 7.498 of June 25, 1986 (BR). Dispõe sobre a regulamentação do exercício da enfermagem e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial da União, Brasília (DF), 26 Jun 1986: Section 1: 1.


Legal document in electronic format:

Law n. 7.498 of June 25, 1986 (BR). Dispõe sobre a regulamentação do exercício da enfermagem e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial da União [Internet], Brasília (DF). 26 Jun 1986 [cited 4 Jul 2008]. Available from:


For abbreviations of journal titles:


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  1. Cover Letter, in PDF format; 
  2. Title Page, containing the short title in Portuguese, with up to 7 words; the title of the article in Portuguese, English and Spanish; the full names of the authors without abbreviations; the ORCID and institutional credentials of each author; the name and email of the corresponding author, in .doc or .docx format;
  3. Declaration of Responsability for Authorship and Knowledge of Instructions to Authors, in PDF format;
  4. Open Science Compliance Form – SciELO, in .doc or .docx format;
  5. Proof from the Research Ethics Committee that approved the research, in PDF format;
  6. The manuscript containing the title, abstract, and keywords in the three languages, in .doc or .docx format.


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  • Make your article more visible with search engine optimization in database. Use keywords in the title and abstract;
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List of reviewers / translators

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List of contacts to review the Spanish of the abstract (resumen):


List of contacts for grammar checks in Portuguese:

Esc. Anna Nery

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