Giant abdominal desmoid-type fibromatosis
Saikat Mitra; Amitava Dutta
Desmoid-type fibromatosis (DF) is a locally aggressive myofibroblastic tumor accounting for approximately 0.03% of all neoplasms and less than 3% of all soft tissue tumors.
Genetic alterations in theAPCandCTNNB1genes are thought to be vital events resulting in hereditary and sporadic DF. Sporadic DF is associated with a high incidence (85%) of mutations in theCTNNB1gene, which may lead to uninhibited activation of the Wnt pathway and the accumulation of excessive cytoplasmic β-catenin, ultimately resulting in tumor development.
The early diagnosis of DF is challenging. The findings of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can guide the decisions regarding patient management, but the ultrasound features of DF are non-specific. The relationship between the tumor and the adjacent structures should be carefully evaluated to decide the feasibility of surgery.
Complete surgical resection is usually the standard treatment in patients with resectable desmoid tumors. However, the local recurrence rate is still high after resection alone due to its infiltrative pattern and positive margins after surgical resection.
Radiotherapy is another treatment modality for desmoid tumors, but its efficiency is controversial. Recently published meta-analysis and the review suggested the benefit of postoperative radiotherapy over surgery alone in long-term cure and prevention of recurrence.
A 24-year-old lady presented with gradually progressive pain in the whole abdomen for six months. She had a prior history of lower uterine cesarean section done 3 years back and a history of missed abortion 4 years back. On per-abdominal examination, a 10x8 cm large mass was palpated mainly in the right lower abdomen, with side-to-side mobility. The speculum examination showed a smooth cervix. Per-vaginal examination revealed a large mass felt through the right fornix. Abdominal computed tomography showed bilateral normal ovaries and a large heterogeneous mass measuring 11x9 cm close to the uterus. A possibility of pedunculated subserosal leiomyoma was considered. Given progressive clinical symptoms, laparotomy was performed. On per-operative examination, a large mass was identified as closely adhered to the mesentery of the right colon. The uterus and bilateral adnexa were free of tumor. The tumor was excised in toto with the right colon.
Gross examination revealed a rounded mass of size 11x9 cm with a smooth outer surface. The tumor was densely adhered to the cecum and appendix and had engulfed the appendix (
Our patient was advised postoperative close follow-up with clinical and imaging modalities at regular intervals.
In summary, awareness about this rare tumor in intra-abdominal locations in young female patients with a prior history of childbirth and surgery and its possible clinical and imaging overlap with leiomyoma prevents aggressive treatment in DF patients. A pre-operative biopsy can confirm the diagnosis. However, in symptomatic patients, surgery is the mainstay of therapy. A search for possible CTNNB1 and APC gene mutation is vital.
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