Autopsy and Case Reports
Autopsy and Case Reports
Autopsy Case Report and Review

Fatal adult-onset diaphragmatic hernia in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

Ajith Antony; Sheryl Suares; André Victor Fernandes

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Late-presenting or “Adult-Onset” Diaphragmatic Hernia is uncommon, especially in individuals with no history of trauma. The non-traumatic diaphragmatic hernia may be a Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia [CDH] lately manifested as a sequela to an iatrogenic intervention or prolonged infections. We aim to explore the genetic correlations in “adult-onset” CDH, with an insight into the indirect contribution of the COVID-19 pandemic towards the fatal outcome.In this report, we present a case of an adult female who died from the complications of an undiagnosed adult-onset diaphragmatic hernia, deemed completely preventable, if not for the global COVID-19 pandemic. There was no prior history of physical trauma or medical history of any relevance.Early diagnosis and rapid surgical intervention remain the keystone management for successfully treating individuals affected by this entity. The decedent in question presented with symptoms demanding hospital stay for investigations that would have aided in timely diagnosis and prevented death. However, the excessive fear of COVID-19 prevented the patient from undergoing hospitalization and follow-up, delaying the diagnosis and leading to death.


Hernias, Diaphragmatic, Congenital, COVID-19, Genetics, case report


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