Autopsy and Case Reports
Autopsy and Case Reports
Review Article

A literature review on dental autopsy – an invaluable investigative technique in forensics

Jyotirmoy Roy; Ujwal Shahu; Payal Shirpure; Supriya Soni; Utsav Parekh; Abraham Johnson

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Forensic odontology is a specialty of dental sciences that deals with dental evidence in the interest of the justice system. The science of autopsy has been developing from the ancient times even before the popularization of general medicine. The objective of a medico-legal autopsy is to identify significant clues for an ongoing forensic investigation. However, in certain circumstances, it is difficult to conduct an oral examination owing to the anatomic location of the oral cavity. The onset of rigor mortis after death poses further complications. Thus, skillful and sequential dissections of the oral and para-oral structures are required to expose the dentition. Dental autopsy includes incisions and resection of the jaw for the detailed examination of the oral cavity. The procedure involves various modes of examination, including visual and radiographic, which help in human identification in forensic investigation. The present paper provides an overview of the various methods of dental autopsy.


Postmortem, Autopsy, Surgical Incision, Osteotomy, Forensic Dentistry


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