Diaphragmatic eventration (DE) associated with intestinal malrotation and renal agenesis is a rare entity. The authors report a case of a 69-year-old man who had symptoms of heart failure. He had a previous imaging diagnosis of right diaphragmatic eventration and dilated cardiomyopathy. He died on the second day after the hospital admission and had a post mortem examination that confirmed complete right diaphragmatic eventration, intestinal malrotation, left renal agenesis, dilated cardiomyopathy, and anteriorly rotated right kidney and had findings suggestive of a thoracoabdominal compartment syndrome. Thoracoabdominal compartment syndrome is described as transmission of abdominal pressure through a defective diaphragm causing compression of the hemithorax viscera and mediastinal shift with a hemodynamic alteration. The association of these anomalies is rare, and the possibility of this finding in a patient with eventration should always be considered.
Knörr PuigdemontA, BlancoJA, De CastroPL, CastellvíA, AlcázarR, RodrigoC. Left diaphragmatic eventration associated with dextrocardia.
Pediatr Catalana. 2007;67(6):285-8.
SalehM, SuwaidM, IdrisS, TabariA, IsyakuK. Diaphragmatic eventration mimicking congenital diaphragmatic hernia: the value of chest radiograph and barium meal in diagnosis.
MuenstererO, AbellarR, OtterburnD, MathewR. Pulmonary agenesis and associated pulmonary hypertension: a case report and review on variability, therapy, and outcome.