Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia
Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia


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In the article “Editorial: Freshwater sustainability and aquatic ecology in a fast-changing world”, DOI:, published in Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia, 2020, vol. 32, e100:

Where it reads:

“A regional-scale viewpoint was presented by Biesboer (2019) regarding the wild rice Zizania palustris L. in Minnesota (Northern U.S.A). The wild rice is a vital wetland plant connected to native North Americans who have historically used it for subsistence and trade. However, wild rice is also economically crucial for large-scale commercial agriculture. Thus, the genetic diversity of wild rice in natural populations has been threatened by large plantations. Wild rice cultivation currently faces necessary trade-offs between conservation and economics.”.

It should be read:

“A regional-scale viewpoint was presented by Biesboer (2019) regarding the wild rice Zizania palustris L. in Minnesota (Northern U.S.A). The wild rice is a vital wetland plant connected to native North Americans who have historically used it for subsistence and trade. Wild rice is also economically crucial for large-scale commercial agriculture. The author discusses the conservation and threats to this wild rice species and provides a list of potential conservation actions and challenges.”.

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