Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia
Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia


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Number 4, volume 25 of Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia Journal comprises scientific articles developed in different regions, such as the Amazon, Argentina, Southern Brazil, among others, and covers different aquatic communities, such as macrophytes, macroinvertebrates and fish. In addition, the studies were carried out in different types of environments, such as streams, natural lakes and reservoirs. Thus, this issue, which was elaborated with articles of spontaneous demand, maintains the characteristic of great diversity of our journal. I consider that the scientific journal of the Brazilian Association of Limnology has been playing its role in contributing to the ecological knowledge of aquatic ecosystems and is carving out space in the international scientific literature. Because it is a free access journal, authors from different regions of the planet have been gradually citing its articles. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia reflects the quality, maturity and development of Brazilian Limnology, which has increasingly found international recognition. However, the development of Brazilian Limnology has not been accompanied by practices for conservation of aquatic ecosystems in Brazil. Our legislation is still based on the concept of water quality for human use and presents serious problems related to sanitary issues and conservation of aquatic environments. There are few regions concerned with the collection and treatment of sewage, and in those where these systems are being installed there is no tertiary treatment for nutrient removal. Furthermore, there are practically no laws ruling the conservation of aquatic biodiversity in Brazil, because legislation on biodiversity conservation is restricted to conservation areas. Our current picture shows that the Brazilian Limnology presents a standard of excellence; however, this pattern does not result in practical application of this knowledge to solve the problems of our aquatic environments.

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627e4cdca9539547407cc1f6 alb Articles
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Acta Limnol. Bras. (Online)

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