Advances in Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation
Advances in Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation

  The Use of Digital Games in Physiotherapy: Recommendations for a Promising Trend 

Yasmim Fernandes Moniz

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For the first edition of Advances in Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation, we want to introduce topics from multidisciplinary backgrounds that contribute practical insights to the health field. With this in mind, I would like to present a topic that I have been exploring throughout my academic career: the use of digital games in physiotherapy. 

We are increasingly seeing studies that investigate the effectiveness and acceptability of digital games in motor rehabilitation. This trend is not only reflected in the scientific literature but also in the growing use of these strategies in physiotherapy centers. 

Introducing  ludic strategies aimed at therapeutic goals is not new to the rehabilitation process, but using digital resources is relatively recent. I believe that, in line with the advancement of these technologies, such strategies will become even more prevalent in our daily lives. 



1.Xavier-Rocha TB, Carneiro L, Martins GC, Vilela G de B, Passos RP, Pupe CCB, et al. The xbox/kinect use in poststroke rehabilitation settings: A systematic review. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2020;78(7):361–9.

2.Costa RLA, Ribeiro MF. Utilização do Nintendo Wii: Reabilitação Virtual Em Pacientes Com Paralisia Cerebral. Psicologia e Saúde em Debate. 2018;4(2):14–24.

3.Schröder J, van Criekinge T, Embrechts E, Celis X, Van Schuppen J, Truijen S, et al. Combining the benefits of tele-rehabilitation and virtual reality-based balance training: a systematic review on feasibility and effectiveness. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol [Internet]. 2019;14(1):2–11. Available from: 8

4.McNish RN, Chembrammel P, Speidel NC, Lin JJ, López-Ortiz C. Rehabilitation for Children With Dystonic Cerebral Palsy Using Haptic Feedback in Virtual Reality: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Res Protoc. 2019 Jan;8(1):e11470.

5.Zoccolillo L, Morelli D, Cincotti F, Muzzioli L, Gobbetti T, Paolucci S, et al. Video-Game Based Therapy for Children With Cerebral Palsy. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2015;51(6):669–76.

6.Oliveira LS, Sousa Da Silva PH, Vinicius F, Rocha T, Variolo JP, Da A, et al. Game Therapy efficiency in rehabilitation treatments for Gait Disorders after Stroke: an integrative literature review. Europub Journal of Health Research. 2022.

7.Cheung S, Hodge A, Khan A, Chen J, Biddiss E. Development of a music-based video game for upper limb rehabilitation therapy in children with cerebral palsy. Bloorview research institute. 2016;3.

8.Calafiore D, Invernizzi M, Ammendolia A, Marotta N, Fortunato F, Paolucci T, et al. Efficacy of Virtual Reality and Exergaming in Improving Balance in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Front Neurol. 2021;12(December).

9.Moniz YF, Gunji BTG, Silva AP da, Scadovelli TA, Martini SC, Boschi SRM da S. Moniz Game: Usability and User Experience Evaluation of a Musical Game for Motor Coordination. Games Health J. 2024 Aug 1;

10.Dauvergne C, Bégel V, Gény C, Puyjarinet F, Laffont I, Dalla Bella S. Home-based training of rhythmic skills with a serious game in Parkinson’s disease: Usability and acceptability. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2018;61(6):380–5.

11.Scholz DS, Rohde S, Nikmaram N, Brückner HP, Großbach M, Rollnik JD, et al. Sonification of Arm Movements in Stroke Rehabilitation - A Novel Approach in Neurologic Music Therapy. Front Neurol. 2016;7:106.

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