research paper

Incidence of tourism activities and their impacts on the quality of the Yahuarcocha water system, Ecuador.

Danny Andrés Reascos Pinchao, Rosario de Lourdes Yppe Placencia, Itala Marta Paredes Chacin

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In the last decade, the Yahuarcocha lake has faced environmental problems caused mainly by anthropic activities in its micro-basin. The activities have impacted specifically on the water resources resulting in a gradual eutrophication of the lake. The purpose of this study is to assess the occurrence of tourism activities and its impacts on the water resource by evaluating the water quality of the effluents. It was found that 22 tourism activities are carried in the area such as gastronomy, lodging and night bars with wastewater discharge in the lake without any type of treatment. This has caused a direct impact on the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the water generating changes in its quality. The annual visitors average is of 847,112 people, and 2013 and 2017 were the years with the greatest number of visitors already registered with a monthly average of 73,705 and 74,512 visitors respectively. Regarding the monitoring system implanted from 2010, the effluents and wastewater resulted from the tourism activities, permanently contribute to pollutant loads, especially nitrates and phosphates.  This allows to establish the interaction that exists between the concentration of the water pollution and the influx of visitors. As part of the methodology, it was carried out field work, as well as laboratory and document analysis.


Tourism activities, water quality, Yahuarcocha, Ecuador


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