Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal
Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal
Research Article

Physical inactivity and associated factors in adults of a basic health unit: An observational cross-sectional study

Jéssica Lucio da Silva, Rodrigo Franco de Oliveira, Larissa Dragonetti Bertin, Priscila Daniele de Oliveira, Flavia Beltrão Pires, Ana Flávia Spadaccini, Monique Vieira de Souza, Adriele Flausino dos Santos, Deise Aparecida de Almeida Pires-Oliveira

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Background: Physical inactivity (PI) is one of the most important risk factors that contribute to the development of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases. Objective: To analyze the prevalence and associated factors with PI in adults from a Basic Health Unit in the city of Uraí, state of Paraná. Methods: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was performed at Basic Health Unit of Uraí, and 100 subjects of both genders were evaluated, the average age of 47.55 ± 17.13 years. The data collection was carried through an interview where information of sociodemographic characteristics, consumption of alcoholic beverages, tobacco use, level of physical activity (PA) (IPAQ-8, short version), information of anthropometric measures, waist circumference, and rest blood pressure were collected. The Chi-square and Odds Ratio test was used, considering 95% of confidence interval, using the statistical package SPSS, version 20.0, with a significance level of p <0.05. Results: The prevalence of PI on the sample studied was 66% in both genders. The factors significantly associated with the PI were: advanced age ≥ 40 years (p <0.01), overweight with BMI ≥ 25 (p <0.013), abdominal circumference above 102 cm in men and 88 cm (p <0.042) (P <0.001) and high blood pressure ≥130 / 85 mmHg (p <0.025). Conclusion: The prevalence of associated factors with PI it is high, which suggests the need of public policies and awareness of the importance of oriented-prevention physical activity practice.


Motor Activity, Risk Factors, Prevalence.


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